ProfessionalCommunity Edition
Viewing attack results
Last updated: August 30, 2024
Read time: 2 Minutes
You can view details of every request and response issued in the attack in the results window. Results are displayed in a table in the Results tab. The following information is available:
- Request - The request index number. If the attack was configured to make an unmodified baseline request, this appears as item number 0 in the table.
- Position - The position number for the current payload (for sniper attacks).
- Payload - The payload(s) used in the request.
- Status - The HTTP status code.
- Time of day - The time of day the request was made.
- Response received - The time taken to begin receiving a response (in milliseconds).
- Response completed - The time taken for the response to complete (in milliseconds).
- Error - Whether a network error occurred when issuing the request.
- Timeout - Whether a timeout occurred when waiting for or processing the response.
- Length - The length of the response in bytes.
- Cookies - Any cookies received in the response.
- Comment - Any user-applied comment.
The following details are also available if the appropriate settings are configured:
- The results of any match grep items.
- The data extracted from any extract grep items.
- Whether or not the payload was echoed in the response, if payload grep was configured.
- Redirects followed - The number of redirections that were followed.
- Interactions - The number of interactions made with the Collaborator server as a result of the Collaborator payloads. This is only present for an attack that uses the Collaborator payloads payload type.
You can customize and sort the table contents. For more information, see Customizing Burp's tables.
Related pages
- For more information on redirections and the grep configuration settings, see Burp Intruder settings.
- Payload types - Collaborator payloads.
Viewing a request
Select any item in the table to view the request and response.
If an attack is configured to follow redirections, Burp also displays all intermediate responses and requests.
If the attack resulted in an interaction with the Collaborator server, Burp displays the interaction details. This is only relevant for an attack that uses the Collaborator payloads payload type.
Double-click an item to open the request and response in a new window.
Related pages
Burp Intruder has a range of functions to help you analyze the results, for more information see Analyzing attack results.