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Web Security Academy Learning Paths
Race conditions
     Limit overrun race conditions
          Detecting and exploiting limit overrun race conditions with Burp Repeater
          Detecting and exploiting limit overrun race conditions with Turbo Intruder
     Hidden multi-step sequences
          1 - Predict potential collisions
          2 - Probe for clues
          3 - Prove the concept
     Multi-endpoint race conditions
          Aligning multi-endpoint race windows
     Connection warming
     Abusing rate or resource limits
     Single-endpoint race conditions
     Session-based locking mechanisms
     Partial construction race conditions
     Time-sensitive attacks
     How to prevent race condition vulnerabilities
          Predict a potential collision
          Benchmark the behavior
          Probe for clues
          Prove the concept
          Predict a potential collision
          Benchmark the behavior
          Probe for clues
          Prove the concept
          Predict a potential collision
          Benchmark the behavior
          Prove the concept
          Predict a potential collision
          Benchmark the behavior
          Probe for clues
          Prove the concept
          Predict a potential collision
          Benchmark the behavior
          Prove the concept
          Study the behavior
          Bypass the per-session locking restriction
          Confirm the vulnerability
GraphQL API vulnerabilities
     Finding GraphQL endpoints
          Universal queries
          Common endpoint names
          Request methods
          Initial testing
     Exploiting unsanitized arguments
     Discovering schema information
          Using introspection
          Probing for introspection
          Running a full introspection query
          Visualizing introspection results
     Bypassing GraphQL introspection defenses
     Bypassing rate limiting using aliases
     GraphQL CSRF
          How do CSRF over GraphQL vulnerabilities arise?
     Preventing GraphQL attacks
          Preventing GraphQL brute force attacks
          Preventing CSRF over GraphQL
     What is GraphQL?
          How GraphQL works
          What is a GraphQL schema?
          What are GraphQL queries?
          What are GraphQL mutations?
          Components of queries and mutations
All topics
     Server-side topics
     Client-side topics
     Advanced topics
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What is prototype pollution?
     How do prototype pollution vulnerabilities arise?
     Prototype pollution sources
          Prototype pollution via the URL
          Prototype pollution via JSON input
     Prototype pollution sinks
     Prototype pollution gadgets
          Example of a prototype pollution gadget
     JavaScript prototypes and inheritance
          What is an object in JavaScript?
          What is a prototype in JavaScript?
          How does object inheritance work in JavaScript?
          The prototype chain
          Accessing an object's prototype using __proto__
          Modifying prototypes
     Client-side prototype pollution vulnerabilities
          Finding client-side prototype pollution sources manually
          Finding client-side prototype pollution sources using DOM Invader
          Finding client-side prototype pollution gadgets manually
          Finding client-side prototype pollution gadgets using DOM Invader
          Prototype pollution via the constructor
          Bypassing flawed key sanitization
          Prototype pollution in external libraries
          Prototype pollution via browser APIs
               Prototype pollution via fetch()
               Prototype pollution via Object.defineProperty()
     Server-side prototype pollution
          Why is server-side prototype pollution more difficult to detect?
          Detecting server-side prototype pollution via polluted property reflection
          Detecting server-side prototype pollution without polluted property reflection
               Status code override
               JSON spaces override
               Charset override
          Scanning for server-side prototype pollution sources
          Bypassing input filters for server-side prototype pollution
          Remote code execution via server-side prototype pollution
               Identifying a vulnerable request
               Remote code execution via child_process.fork()
               Remote code execution via child_process.execSync()
     Preventing prototype pollution vulnerabilities
          Sanitizing property keys
          Preventing changes to prototype objects
          Preventing an object from inheriting properties
          Using safer alternatives where possible
Essential skills
     Obfuscating attacks using encodings
     Using Burp Scanner during manual testing
     Identifying unknown vulnerabilities
     Obfuscating attacks using encodings
          Context-specific decoding
          Decoding discrepancies
          Obfuscation via URL encoding
          Obfuscation via double URL encoding
          Obfuscation via HTML encoding
               Leading zeros
          Obfuscation via XML encoding
          Obfuscation via unicode escaping
          Obfuscation via hex escaping
          Obfuscation via octal escaping
          Obfuscation via multiple encodings
          Obfuscation via the SQL CHAR() function
     Using Burp Scanner during manual testing
          Scanning a specific request
          Scanning custom insertion points
          Scanning non-standard data structures
SQL injection
     What is SQL injection (SQLi)?
     What is the impact of a successful SQL injection attack?
     How to detect SQL injection vulnerabilities
     SQL injection in different parts of the query
     SQL injection examples
     Retrieving hidden data
     Subverting application logic
     Retrieving data from other database tables
     Blind SQL injection vulnerabilities
     Second-order SQL injection
     Examining the database
     SQL injection in different contexts
     How to prevent SQL injection
     Examining the database in SQL injection attacks
          Querying the database type and version
          Listing the contents of the database
               Listing the contents of an Oracle database
     SQL injection UNION attacks
          Determining the number of columns required
          Database-specific syntax
          Finding columns with a useful data type
          Using a SQL injection UNION attack to retrieve interesting data
          Retrieving multiple values within a single column
     Blind SQL injection
          What is blind SQL injection?
          Exploiting blind SQL injection by triggering conditional responses
          Error-based SQL injection
               Exploiting blind SQL injection by triggering conditional errors
               Extracting sensitive data via verbose SQL error messages
          Exploiting blind SQL injection by triggering time delays
          Exploiting blind SQL injection using out-of-band (OAST) techniques
          How to prevent blind SQL injection attacks?
     SQL injection cheat sheet
          String concatenation
          Database version
          Database contents
          Conditional errors
          Extracting data via visible error messages
          Batched (or stacked) queries
          Time delays
          Conditional time delays
          DNS lookup
          DNS lookup with data exfiltration
Cross-site scripting
     What is cross-site scripting (XSS)?
     How does XSS work?
     XSS proof of concept
     What are the types of XSS attacks?
     Reflected cross-site scripting
     Stored cross-site scripting
     DOM-based cross-site scripting
     What can XSS be used for?
     Impact of XSS vulnerabilities
     How to find and test for XSS vulnerabilities
     Content security policy
     Dangling markup injection
     How to prevent XSS attacks
     Common questions about cross-site scripting
     Reflected XSS
          What is reflected cross-site scripting?
          Impact of reflected XSS attacks
          Reflected XSS in different contexts
          How to find and test for reflected XSS vulnerabilities
          Common questions about reflected cross-site scripting
     Stored XSS
          What is stored cross-site scripting?
          Impact of stored XSS attacks
          Stored XSS in different contexts
          How to find and test for stored XSS vulnerabilities
     DOM-based XSS
          What is DOM-based cross-site scripting?
          How to test for DOM-based cross-site scripting
               Testing HTML sinks
               Testing JavaScript execution sinks
               Testing for DOM XSS using DOM Invader
          Exploiting DOM XSS with different sources and sinks
               Sources and sinks in third-party dependencies
          DOM XSS in jQuery
          DOM XSS in AngularJS
          DOM XSS combined with reflected and stored data
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-XSS vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-XSS vulnerabilities
     Cross-site scripting contexts
          XSS between HTML tags
          XSS in HTML tag attributes
          XSS into JavaScript
               Terminating the existing script
               Breaking out of a JavaScript string
               Making use of HTML-encoding
               XSS in JavaScript template literals
          XSS via client-side template injection
          Client-side template injection
               What is client-side template injection?
               What is the AngularJS sandbox?
               How does the AngularJS sandbox work?
               How does an AngularJS sandbox escape work?
                    Constructing an advanced AngularJS sandbox escape
               How does an AngularJS CSP bypass work?
                    Bypassing a CSP with an AngularJS sandbox escape
               How to prevent client-side template injection vulnerabilities
     Exploiting cross-site scripting vulnerabilities
          Exploiting cross-site scripting to steal cookies
          Exploiting cross-site scripting to capture passwords
          Exploiting cross-site scripting to perform CSRF
     Dangling markup injection
          What is dangling markup injection?
          How to prevent dangling markup attacks
     Content security policy
          What is CSP (content security policy)?
          Mitigating XSS attacks using CSP
          Mitigating dangling markup attacks using CSP
          Bypassing CSP with policy injection
          Protecting against clickjacking using CSP
     How to prevent XSS
          Encode data on output
          Validate input on arrival
               Whitelisting vs blacklisting
          Allowing "safe" HTML
          How to prevent XSS using a template engine
          How to prevent XSS in PHP
          How to prevent XSS client-side in JavaScript
          How to prevent XSS in jQuery
          Mitigating XSS using content security policy (CSP)
     Cross-site scripting (XSS) cheat sheet
          Event handlers
               Event handlers that do not require user interaction
               Event handlers that do require user interaction
          Consuming tags
          File upload attacks
          Restricted characters
          Other useful attributes
          Special tags
          Client-side template injection
               VueJS reflected
               AngularJS sandbox escapes reflected
               DOM based AngularJS sandbox escapes
               AngularJS CSP bypasses
          Scriptless attacks
               Dangling markup
          WAF bypass global objects
          Content types
          Response content types
          Impossible labs
          Prototype pollution
          Classic vectors (XSS crypt)
Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
     What is CSRF?
     What is the impact of a CSRF attack?
     How does CSRF work?
     How to construct a CSRF attack
     How to deliver a CSRF exploit
     Common defences against CSRF
     XSS vs CSRF
          What is the difference between XSS and CSRF?
          Can CSRF tokens prevent XSS attacks?
     Bypassing CSRF token validation
          What is a CSRF token?
          Common flaws in CSRF token validation
               Validation of CSRF token depends on request method
               Validation of CSRF token depends on token being present
               CSRF token is not tied to the user session
               CSRF token is tied to a non-session cookie
               CSRF token is simply duplicated in a cookie
     Bypassing SameSite cookie restrictions
          What is a site in the context of SameSite cookies?
          What's the difference between a site and an origin?
          How does SameSite work?
          Bypassing SameSite Lax restrictions using GET requests
          Bypassing SameSite restrictions using on-site gadgets
          Bypassing SameSite restrictions via vulnerable sibling domains
          Bypassing SameSite Lax restrictions with newly issued cookies
     Bypassing Referer-based CSRF defenses
          Validation of Referer depends on header being present
          Validation of Referer can be circumvented
     How to prevent CSRF vulnerabilities
          Use CSRF tokens
               How should CSRF tokens be generated?
               How should CSRF tokens be transmitted?
               How should CSRF tokens be validated?
          Use Strict SameSite cookie restrictions
          Be wary of cross-origin, same-site attacks
XML external entity (XXE) injection
     What is XML external entity injection?
     How do XXE vulnerabilities arise?
     What are the types of XXE attacks?
     Exploiting XXE to retrieve files
     Exploiting XXE to perform SSRF attacks
     Blind XXE vulnerabilities
     Finding hidden attack surface for XXE injection
          XInclude attacks
          XXE attacks via file upload
          XXE attacks via modified content type
     How to find and test for XXE vulnerabilities
     How to prevent XXE vulnerabilities
     XML entities
          What is XML?
          What are XML entities?
          What is document type definition?
          What are XML custom entities?
          What are XML external entities?
     Finding and exploiting blind XXE vulnerabilities
          What is blind XXE?
          Detecting blind XXE using out-of-band (OAST) techniques
          Exploiting blind XXE to exfiltrate data out-of-band
          Exploiting blind XXE to retrieve data via error messages
          Exploiting blind XXE by repurposing a local DTD
               Locating an existing DTD file to repurpose
Clickjacking (UI redressing)
     What is clickjacking?
     How to construct a basic clickjacking attack
     Clickjacking with prefilled form input
     Frame busting scripts
     Combining clickjacking with a DOM XSS attack
     Multistep clickjacking
     How to prevent clickjacking attacks
          Content Security Policy (CSP)
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)
     What is CORS (cross-origin resource sharing)?
     Same-origin policy
     Relaxation of the same-origin policy
     Vulnerabilities arising from CORS configuration issues
          Server-generated ACAO header from client-specified Origin header
          Errors parsing Origin headers
          Whitelisted null origin value
          Exploiting XSS via CORS trust relationships
          Breaking TLS with poorly configured CORS
          Intranets and CORS without credentials
     How to prevent CORS-based attacks
          Proper configuration of cross-origin requests
          Only allow trusted sites
          Avoid whitelisting null
          Avoid wildcards in internal networks
          CORS is not a substitute for server-side security policies
     Same-origin policy (SOP)
          What is the same-origin policy?
          Why is the same-origin policy necessary?
          How is the same-origin policy implemented?
     CORS and the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header
          What is the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header?
          Implementing simple cross-origin resource sharing
          Handling cross-origin resource requests with credentials
          Relaxation of CORS specifications with wildcards
          Pre-flight checks
          Does CORS protect against CSRF?
Server-side request forgery (SSRF)
     What is SSRF?
     What is the impact of SSRF attacks?
     Common SSRF attacks
          SSRF attacks against the server
          SSRF attacks against other back-end systems
     Circumventing common SSRF defenses
          SSRF with blacklist-based input filters
          SSRF with whitelist-based input filters
          Bypassing SSRF filters via open redirection
     Blind SSRF vulnerabilities
     Finding hidden attack surface for SSRF vulnerabilities
          Partial URLs in requests
          URLs within data formats
          SSRF via the Referer header
     Blind SSRF vulnerabilities
          What is blind SSRF?
          What is the impact of blind SSRF vulnerabilities?
          How to find and exploit blind SSRF vulnerabilities
HTTP request smuggling
     What is HTTP request smuggling?
     What happens in an HTTP request smuggling attack?
     How do HTTP request smuggling vulnerabilities arise?
     How to perform an HTTP request smuggling attack
          CL.TE vulnerabilities
          TE.CL vulnerabilities
          TE.TE behavior: obfuscating the TE header
     How to identify HTTP request smuggling vulnerabilities
     How to exploit HTTP request smuggling vulnerabilities
     Advanced HTTP request smuggling
     Browser-powered request smuggling
     How to prevent HTTP request smuggling vulnerabilities
     Finding HTTP request smuggling vulnerabilities
          Finding HTTP request smuggling vulnerabilities using timing techniques
               Finding CL.TE vulnerabilities using timing techniques
               Finding TE.CL vulnerabilities using timing techniques
          Confirming HTTP request smuggling vulnerabilities using differential responses
               Confirming CL.TE vulnerabilities using differential responses
               Confirming TE.CL vulnerabilities using differential responses
     Exploiting HTTP request smuggling vulnerabilities
          Using HTTP request smuggling to bypass front-end security controls
          Revealing front-end request rewriting
          Bypassing client authentication
          Capturing other users' requests
          Using HTTP request smuggling to exploit reflected XSS
          Using HTTP request smuggling to turn an on-site redirect into an open redirect
               Turning root-relative redirects into open redirects
          Using HTTP request smuggling to perform web cache poisoning
          Using HTTP request smuggling to perform web cache deception
     Advanced request smuggling
          HTTP/2 request smuggling
               HTTP/2 message length
               HTTP/2 downgrading
               H2.CL vulnerabilities
               H2.TE vulnerabilities
               Hidden HTTP/2 support
          Response queue poisoning
          Request smuggling via CRLF injection
          HTTP/2 request splitting
               Accounting for front-end rewriting
          HTTP request tunnelling
          HTTP/2-exclusive vectors
               Injecting via header names
               Injecting via pseudo-headers
                    Supplying an ambiguous host
                    Supplying an ambiguous path
                    Injecting a full request line
                    Injecting a URL prefix
                    Injecting newlines into pseudo-headers
          Response queue poisoning
               What is the impact of response queue poisoning?
               How to construct a response queue poisoning attack
                    Understanding the aftermath of request smuggling
                    Smuggling a complete request
                    Desynchronizing the response queue
                    Stealing other users' responses
          HTTP request tunnelling
               Request tunnelling with HTTP/2
               Leaking internal headers via HTTP/2 request tunnelling
               Blind request tunnelling
               Non-blind request tunnelling using HEAD
               Web cache poisoning via HTTP/2 request tunnelling
          HTTP/2 downgrading
               What risks are associated with HTTP/2 downgrading?
     Browser-powered request smuggling
          CL.0 request smuggling
          Client-side desync attacks
          Pause-based desync attacks
          CL.0 request smuggling
               Testing for CL.0 vulnerabilities
               Eliciting CL.0 behavior
               Exploiting CL.0 vulnerabilities
               H2.0 vulnerabilities
               How to prevent CL.0 vulnerabilities
          Client-side desync attacks
               What is a client-side desync attack?
               Testing for client-side desync vulnerabilities
                    Probing for client-side desync vectors
                    Confirming the desync vector in Burp
                    Building a proof of concept in a browser
                    Handling redirects
               Exploiting client-side desync vulnerabilities
                    Client-side variations of classic attacks
                    Client-side cache poisoning
               Poisoning the cache with a redirect
               Triggering the resource import
               Delivering a payload
                    Pivoting attacks against internal infrastructure
               How to prevent client-side desync vulnerabilities
          Pause-based desync attacks
               Server-side pause-based desync
                    Testing for pause-based CL.0 vulnerabilities
               Client-side pause-based desync
               How to prevent pause-based desync vulnerabilities
OS command injection
     What is OS command injection?
     Injecting OS commands
     Useful commands
     Blind OS command injection vulnerabilities
          Detecting blind OS command injection using time delays
          Exploiting blind OS command injection by redirecting output
          Exploiting blind OS command injection using out-of-band (OAST) techniques
     Ways of injecting OS commands
     How to prevent OS command injection attacks
Server-side template injection
     What is server-side template injection?
     What is the impact of server-side template injection?
     How do server-side template injection vulnerabilities arise?
     Constructing a server-side template injection attack
     How to prevent server-side template injection vulnerabilities
     Exploiting server-side template injection vulnerabilities
               Learn the basic template syntax
               Read about the security implications
               Look for known exploits
               Developer-supplied objects
          Create a custom attack
               Constructing a custom exploit using an object chain
               Constructing a custom exploit using developer-supplied objects
Insecure deserialization
     What is serialization?
          Serialization vs deserialization
     What is insecure deserialization?
     How do insecure deserialization vulnerabilities arise?
     What is the impact of insecure deserialization?
     How to exploit insecure deserialization vulnerabilities
     How to prevent insecure deserialization vulnerabilities
     Exploiting insecure deserialization vulnerabilities
          How to identify insecure deserialization
               PHP serialization format
               Java serialization format
          Manipulating serialized objects
               Modifying object attributes
               Modifying data types
          Using application functionality
          Magic methods
          Injecting arbitrary objects
          Gadget chains
               Working with pre-built gadget chains
               Working with documented gadget chains
          Creating your own exploit
          PHAR deserialization
          Exploiting deserialization using memory corruption
Path traversal
     What is path traversal?
     Reading arbitrary files via path traversal
     Common obstacles to exploiting path traversal vulnerabilities
     How to prevent a path traversal attack
Access control vulnerabilities and privilege escalation
     What is access control?
          Vertical access controls
          Horizontal access controls
          Context-dependent access controls
     Examples of broken access controls
          Vertical privilege escalation
     Unprotected functionality
     Parameter-based access control methods
     Broken access control resulting from platform misconfiguration
     Broken access control resulting from URL-matching discrepancies
          Horizontal privilege escalation
          Horizontal to vertical privilege escalation
          Insecure direct object references
          Access control vulnerabilities in multi-step processes
          Referer-based access control
          Location-based access control
     How to prevent access control vulnerabilities
     Insecure direct object references (IDOR)
          What are insecure direct object references (IDOR)?
          IDOR examples
               IDOR vulnerability with direct reference to database objects
               IDOR vulnerability with direct reference to static files
     Access control security models
          What are access control security models?
          Programmatic access control
          Discretionary access control (DAC)
          Mandatory access control (MAC)
          Role-based access control (RBAC)
Authentication vulnerabilities
     What is authentication?
          What is the difference between authentication and authorization?
     How do authentication vulnerabilities arise?
     What is the impact of vulnerable authentication?
     Vulnerabilities in authentication mechanisms
          Vulnerabilities in third-party authentication mechanisms
     Preventing attacks on your own authentication mechanisms
     Vulnerabilities in password-based login
          Brute-force attacks
               Brute-forcing usernames
               Brute-forcing passwords
               Username enumeration
          Flawed brute-force protection
               Account locking
               User rate limiting
          HTTP basic authentication
     Vulnerabilities in multi-factor authentication
          Two-factor authentication tokens
          Bypassing two-factor authentication
          Flawed two-factor verification logic
          Brute-forcing 2FA verification codes
     Vulnerabilities in other authentication mechanisms
          Keeping users logged in
          Resetting user passwords
               Sending passwords by email
               Resetting passwords using a URL
          Changing user passwords
     How to secure your authentication mechanisms
          Take care with user credentials
          Don't count on users for security
          Prevent username enumeration
          Implement robust brute-force protection
          Triple-check your verification logic
          Don't forget supplementary functionality
          Implement proper multi-factor authentication
     Authentication lab usernames
     Authentication lab passwords
OAuth 2.0 authentication vulnerabilities
     What is OAuth?
     How does OAuth 2.0 work?
          OAuth authentication
     How do OAuth authentication vulnerabilities arise?
     Identifying OAuth authentication
     Exploiting OAuth authentication vulnerabilities
          Vulnerabilities in the OAuth client application
     Improper implementation of the implicit grant type
     Flawed CSRF protection
          Leaking authorization codes and access tokens
          Flawed scope validation
          Unverified user registration
     Extending OAuth with OpenID Connect
     Preventing OAuth authentication vulnerabilities
     OAuth grant types
          What is an OAuth grant type?
          OAuth scopes
          Authorization code grant type
          Implicit grant type
     OpenID Connect
          What is OpenID Connect?
          How does OpenID Connect work?
               OpenID Connect roles
               OpenID Connect claims and scopes
               ID token
          Identifying OpenID Connect
          OpenID Connect vulnerabilities
               Unprotected dynamic client registration
               Allowing authorization requests by reference
     How to prevent OAuth authentication vulnerabilities
          For OAuth service providers
          For OAuth client applications
Business logic vulnerabilities
     What are business logic vulnerabilities?
     How do business logic vulnerabilities arise?
     What is the impact of business logic vulnerabilities?
     What are some examples of business logic vulnerabilities?
     How to prevent business logic vulnerabilities
     Examples of business logic vulnerabilities
          Excessive trust in client-side controls
          Failing to handle unconventional input
          Making flawed assumptions about user behavior
               Trusted users won't always remain trustworthy
               Users won't always supply mandatory input
               Users won't always follow the intended sequence
          Domain-specific flaws
          Providing an encryption oracle
Testing for WebSockets security vulnerabilities
     Manipulating WebSocket traffic
          Intercepting and modifying WebSocket messages
          Replaying and generating new WebSocket messages
          Manipulating WebSocket connections
     WebSockets security vulnerabilities
          Manipulating WebSocket messages to exploit vulnerabilities
          Manipulating the WebSocket handshake to exploit vulnerabilities
          Using cross-site WebSockets to exploit vulnerabilities
     How to secure a WebSocket connection
     What are WebSockets?
          What is the difference between HTTP and WebSockets?
          How are WebSocket connections established?
          What do WebSocket messages look like?
     Cross-site WebSocket hijacking
          What is cross-site WebSocket hijacking?
          What is the impact of cross-site WebSocket hijacking?
          Performing a cross-site WebSocket hijacking attack
DOM-based vulnerabilities
     What is the DOM?
     Taint-flow vulnerabilities
          What is taint flow?
          Common sources
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based taint-flow vulnerabilities
     DOM clobbering
     Controlling the web message source
          What is the impact of DOM-based web message vulnerabilities?
          How to construct an attack using web messages as the source
          Origin verification
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based web message vulnerabilities?
     DOM-based open redirection
          What is DOM-based open redirection?
          What is the impact of DOM-based open redirection?
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based open-redirection vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based open-redirection vulnerabilities
     DOM-based cookie manipulation
          What is DOM-based cookie manipulation?
          What is the impact of a DOM-based cookie-manipulation attack?
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based cookie-manipulation vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based cookie-manipulation vulnerabilities
     DOM-based JavaScript injection
          What is DOM-based JavaScript injection?
          What is the impact of a DOM-based JavaScript-injection attack?
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based JavaScript-injection vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based JavaScript-injection vulnerabilities
     DOM-based document-domain manipulation
          What is DOM-based document-domain manipulation?
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based document-domain manipulation vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based document-domain manipulation vulnerabilities
     DOM-based WebSocket-URL poisoning
          What is DOM-based WebSocket-URL poisoning?
          What is the impact of WebSocket-URL poisoning?
          Which sinks can lead to WebSocket-URL poisoning vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based WebSocket-URL poisoning vulnerabilities
     DOM-based link manipulation
          What is DOM-based link manipulation?
          What is the impact of a DOM-based link-manipulation attack?
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based link-manipulation vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based link-manipulation vulnerabilities
     Web message manipulation
          What is DOM-based web message manipulation?
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based web-message manipulation vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based web message manipulation
     DOM-based Ajax request-header manipulation
          What is DOM-based Ajax request-header manipulation?
          What is the impact of DOM-based Ajax request-header manipulation?
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based Ajax request-header manipulation vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based Ajax request-header manipulation
     DOM-based local file-path manipulation
          What is DOM-based local file-path manipulation?
          What is the impact of DOM-based local file-path manipulation?
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based local file-path manipulation vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based local file-path manipulation vulnerabilities
     DOM-based client-side SQL injection
          What is DOM-based client-side SQL injection?
          What is the impact of DOM-based client-side SQL injection?
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based client-side SQL-injection vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based client-side SQL-injection vulnerabilities
     DOM-based HTML5-storage manipulation
          What is DOM-based HTML5-storage manipulation?
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based HTML5-storage manipulation vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based HTML5-storage manipulation vulnerabilities
     DOM-based client-side XPath injection
          What is DOM-based XPath injection?
          What is the impact of DOM-based XPath injection?
          Which sinks can lead to XPath-injection vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based XPath-injection vulnerabilities
     DOM-based client-side JSON injection
          What is DOM-based JSON injection?
          What is the impact of a DOM-based JSON-injection attack?
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based JSON-injection vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent client-side JSON-injection vulnerabilities?
     DOM-data manipulation
          What is DOM-data manipulation?
          What is the impact of DOM-data manipulation?
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-data manipulation vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-data manipulation vulnerabilities
     DOM-based denial of service
          What is DOM-based denial of service?
          Which sinks can lead to DOM-based denial-of-service vulnerabilities?
          How to prevent DOM-based denial-of-service vulnerabilities
     DOM clobbering
          What is DOM clobbering?
          How to exploit DOM-clobbering vulnerabilities
          How to prevent DOM-clobbering attacks
Web cache poisoning
     What is web cache poisoning?
          Web cache poisoning research
          How does a web cache work?
     What is the impact of a web cache poisoning attack?
     Constructing a web cache poisoning attack
          Identify and evaluate unkeyed inputs
     Param Miner
          Elicit a harmful response from the back-end server
          Get the response cached
     Exploiting web cache poisoning vulnerabilities
     How to prevent web cache poisoning vulnerabilities
     Exploiting cache design flaws
          Using web cache poisoning to deliver an XSS attack
          Using web cache poisoning to exploit unsafe handling of resource imports
          Using web cache poisoning to exploit cookie-handling vulnerabilities
          Using multiple headers to exploit web cache poisoning vulnerabilities
          Exploiting responses that expose too much information
               Cache-control directives
               Vary header
          Using web cache poisoning to exploit DOM-based vulnerabilities
          Chaining web cache poisoning vulnerabilities
     Exploiting cache implementation flaws
          Cache key flaws
          Cache probing methodology
               Identify a suitable cache oracle
               Probe key handling
               Identify an exploitable gadget
          Exploiting cache key flaws
               Unkeyed port
               Unkeyed query string
               Unkeyed query parameters
               Cache parameter cloaking
               Normalized cache keys
               Cache key injection
          Poisoning internal caches
               How to identify internal caches
               Testing internal caches safely
HTTP Host header attacks
     What is the HTTP Host header?
     What is the purpose of the HTTP Host header?
          Virtual hosting
          Routing traffic via an intermediary
          How does the HTTP Host header solve this problem?
     What is an HTTP Host header attack?
     How do HTTP Host header vulnerabilities arise?
     Exploiting HTTP Host header vulnerabilities
     How to prevent HTTP Host header attacks
     How to identify and exploit HTTP Host header vulnerabilities
          How to test for vulnerabilities using the HTTP Host header
               Supply an arbitrary Host header
               Check for flawed validation
               Send ambiguous requests
               Inject host override headers
          How to exploit the HTTP Host header
               Password reset poisoning
               Web cache poisoning via the Host header
               Exploiting classic server-side vulnerabilities
               Accessing restricted functionality
               Accessing internal websites with virtual host brute-forcing
               Routing-based SSRF
               Connection state attacks
               SSRF via a malformed request line
          Password reset poisoning
               How does a password reset work?
               How to construct a password reset poisoning attack
Information disclosure vulnerabilities
     What is information disclosure?
          Examples of information disclosure
     How do information disclosure vulnerabilities arise?
     What is the impact of information disclosure vulnerabilities?
          How to assess the severity of information disclosure vulnerabilities
     Exploiting information disclosure
     How to prevent information disclosure vulnerabilities
     How to find and exploit information disclosure vulnerabilities
          How to test for information disclosure vulnerabilities
               Using Burp Scanner
               Using Burp's engagement tools
               Engineering informative responses
          Common sources of information disclosure
               Files for web crawlers
               Directory listings
               Developer comments
               Error messages
               Debugging data
               User account pages
               Source code disclosure via backup files
               Information disclosure due to insecure configuration
               Version control history
File upload vulnerabilities
     What are file upload vulnerabilities?
     What is the impact of file upload vulnerabilities?
     How do file upload vulnerabilities arise?
     How do web servers handle requests for static files?
     Exploiting unrestricted file uploads to deploy a web shell
     Exploiting flawed validation of file uploads
          Flawed file type validation
          Preventing file execution in user-accessible directories
          Insufficient blacklisting of dangerous file types
     Overriding the server configuration
     Obfuscating file extensions
          Flawed validation of the file's contents
          Exploiting file upload race conditions
     Race conditions in URL-based file uploads
     Exploiting file upload vulnerabilities without remote code execution
          Uploading malicious client-side scripts
          Exploiting vulnerabilities in the parsing of uploaded files
     Uploading files using PUT
     How to prevent file upload vulnerabilities
JWT attacks
     What are JWTs?
          JWT format
          JWT signature
          JWT vs JWS vs JWE
     What are JWT attacks?
     What is the impact of JWT attacks?
     How do vulnerabilities to JWT attacks arise?
     How to work with JWTs in Burp Suite
     Exploiting flawed JWT signature verification
          Accepting arbitrary signatures
          Accepting tokens with no signature
     Brute-forcing secret keys
          Brute-forcing secret keys using hashcat
     JWT header parameter injections
          Injecting self-signed JWTs via the jwk parameter
          Injecting self-signed JWTs via the jku parameter
          Injecting self-signed JWTs via the kid parameter
          Other interesting JWT header parameters
     JWT algorithm confusion
     How to prevent JWT attacks
          Additional best practice for JWT handling
     Algorithm confusion attacks
          Symmetric vs asymmetric algorithms
          How do algorithm confusion vulnerabilities arise?
          Performing an algorithm confusion attack
               Step 1 - Obtain the server's public key
               Step 2 - Convert the public key to a suitable format
               Step 3 - Modify your JWT
               Step 4 - Sign the JWT using the public key
          Deriving public keys from existing tokens
Guidelines for submitting video solutions
     What are the requirements for new video solutions?
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