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Professional / Community 2020.1

31 January 2020 at 16:40 UTC


This release updates the HTTP message editor with various new capabilities:

  • Syntax colorising for JavaScript, JSON, and CSS.
  • Syntax colorising is now dynamically updated as you type.
  • Line numbers.
  • Code folding.
  • Performance improvements.

We will soon continue improving the editor, with better prettifying of some formats and other helpful features.

New Burp HTTP message editor

Various improvements have been made to the efficiency and stability of Burp Scanner. We are working towards enabling the new experimental browser-driven scanning by default, which will pave the way for significant enhancements to the scanner's capabilities over the coming year.

A number of bug fixes and other enhancements have been made, including:

  • Issues negotiating TLS through some LAN firewalls have been resolved.
  • Feedback messages during crawls have been improved.
  • File dialogs now remember the last selected folder on a per-function basis.
  • Improvements have been made to some UI elements in the dark theme.
  • The expiration of auto-generated TLS certificates has been shortened to comply with modern browser requirements.
  • You can now save performance feedback data to a local file, to be submitted via email rather than automatically.
  • Some causes of project file corruption have been resolved.