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Meet PortSwigger's first women in tech scholars

Emma Stocks | 26 October 2022 at 12:43 UTC

PortSwigger recently launched a scholarship scheme, specifically directed at creating opportunities for young women to kick-start their tech career. Our scholarships offer paid work opportunities, tailored personal development programmes, generous financial support, and the potential for a permanent position after graduation.

We spoke with Charlotte and Lucy, the first two female graduates to partake in the scheme, to find out about their experiences so far.

How was your experience applying for our scholarship scheme?


"It was very easy to apply, and the company is very friendly and helpful if you have any questions.


It felt like I applied to and interviewed for a lot of things over year 13, and part of what made me hope that I'd progress in the PortSwigger scholarship scheme was that I enjoyed the process so much more. It felt welcoming and engaging, instead of off-putting like everything else.

What made you choose a career in tech?


I love logic and how creative tech can be within that. It has always interested and excited me, so I decided I wanted to work in tech.


The extracurricular activities at my school really enhanced my love of computer science. I spent a lot of time at code club with friends and realised that I loved the problem solving elements of code development.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?


I went through a few different phases. I've wanted to be a dancer, an archaeologist, and even a firefighter. I decided I was set on technology as a career path aged around 13.


For years I wanted to be an author. A big part of me still wants to be.

What attracted you most to PortSwigger?


The attitude of everyone at PortSwigger just made it seem like a lovely place to work, and I really liked the idea of experiencing working using an agile approach.


PortSwigger has a very friendly and open culture, which is very appealing to me. I was also really drawn to the support that's offered as part of the scholarship scheme.

What would your superhero power be and why?


Definitely super speed! I could get work done a lot faster and save a lot of time on travel.


I'd like to be able to shape shift into animals because there is at least one animal that has adapted to survive in pretty much every environment so I could adapt to every situation.

Want to find out more?

To find out more about PortSwigger's scholarship and internship schemes, and apply to be involved, visit our website. Applications are being accepted between 31 October '22, and 20 March '23, from women in year 13.